Tuesday, 10 April 2012



Silk Screen Prints (Serigraphs)

Cafe, Darlinghurst

There is a natural vitality about the inner-city suburbs: Carlton, Collingwood, Newtown and (here) Darlinghurst. We just seem to love a burst of being in a vibrant, busy scene where people meet people.

View to Vinyard, Yarra Valley

Wine is a drink of rich complexity, but it grows in simple surrounds: rows of grapes, rich earthy soil, and the right mix of sunshine and rain. A scene that is so nice to gaze at.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Drawings from France



In Montmartre (2010)

Every visit to Paris takes in the great view from Montmartre. But even more exciting was walking past an apartment house where the great Van Gogh lived. "The Best Artist Who Ever Lived" was standing in this spot, on this footpath. What an amazing feeling!
Two hours drive south of France - and staying in this lovely farmhouse from the 16th Century.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Drawings from Germany



Town Gate, Rothenberg (Bavaria) 2010

The most medieval town in Bavaria. Rothenberg takes us back to the 1300s. Amazing that these structures were built before Dante's Divine Comedy was written - the era of Robert the Bruce in Scotland too.


Rosenburg (Bavaria)

The small hamlet of Rosenburg. Amazing that a village with so few homes can have such a large church.